
Hydrosizers™ provide the sharpest wet gravity classification to separate <4 mesh (<5 mm) granular material by size or specific gravity, 同时还能去除轻质污染物.


When the sharpest wet gravity classification is needed to separate <4 mesh (<5mm) granular material by size or specific gravity, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Hydrosizers™ have efficiencies of separation comparable to Sizing Screens but at a fraction of the footprint 和 cost. A producer who needs tight control over classification or who wishes to separate minerals of two different specific gravities or remove lightweight contaminants would be an ideal c和idate for a Hydrosizer™.

加氢浆料机™可用于各种应用, 比如压裂砂, 玻璃砂, 过滤砂, 铸造用砂, 体育砂, 混凝土砂, 石膏砂, 灰浆用砂, 污染土壤清洗, 褐煤和有机物去除, 炉渣选矿, 闭路磨削, 矿物砂, 从沙子中分离塑料, 贵重金属,比如金和银, 贱金属,比如铜和铅锌, 磷酸盐分类和酸洗, 煤炭, 铁矿石等.


为了使其清晰的湿分类,加氢浆纱机™使用阻碍沉降原理. This phenomenon is the result of a fluidised (teetering) bed of particles or dense media created in the vertical-walled separation zone. 

Feed material (typically Hydrocyclone underflow) enters the top of the unit via a central feed-well. 同时, process water is injected through an array of pipes located near the bottom of the separation chamber. This water injection causes an upward rising current of water that flows over the peripheral weir 和 is collected in the overflow launder. 当饲料中的颗粒遇到上升的水流时, 较细和密度较低的馏分被提出来,扫过溢流堰. Coarser 和 denser particles pass downward through this current 和 are collected in the underflow cone to await discharge. 

接近分离大小的颗粒, being neither massive enough to migrate to the underflow cone nor small enough to be lifted out, 开始积聚在分离室中. This accumulation is described as a teetered or fluidised bed, similar in many ways to quick s和. 在这张摇摇欲坠的床上, 固体在被称为阻碍沉降的环境中通过储罐沉降. This phenomenon slows down the settling rates of particles 和 allows them to be more critically reviewed as either a member of the coarse or fine fraction. 这张床的维护很容易通过一套简单的控制来完成. 

The 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Hydrosizer™ maintains separation automatically through a simple PID control loop. 操作人员所要做的就是设定注水速率. The Hydrosizer™ control monitors the classification environment 和 adjusts the underflow valve to maintain a consistent performance. 没有纱布需要维护, 该装置自动补偿进给量的变化, 唯一的运动部件是下流阀.

每个装置都配有一个阀门和一个流量计,因此可以很容易地调节摇晃的水, 手动或自动. Specially designed teeter water nozzles open when pressurised 和 provide an evenly distributed spray of water into the Hydrosizer™. 在关闭时失去水流, 喷嘴关闭和, 还有一个止回阀, 用于防止沙子进入摇摇水管.

典型的加氢浆纱机™的过去, 下泄阀是非线性设计,如夹紧式或蝶式设计. 虽然这些都是功能性的, there are disadvantages associated with matching open area with required underflow capacity 和, 由于它们的非线性, 更大的难度调整控制回路. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的最新发明是定制阀门, 哪个具有线性开/关配置文件,以获得更准确的性能. The dart style valve is fully rubber lined 和 features spring-to-close actuation in the event of loss of air (preventing the vessel from emptying).

Dilute Hydrosizer™ overflow containing the lighter /smaller fractions is typically dewatered using 水力旋流器 or Separators 和 further dewatered using 脱水屏幕. 密度较大的底流通常直接进入脱水筛. 

这些装置在哪里用于有机物去除, 如在土壤洗涤或褐煤清除, the overflow will contain larger organics with the finer s和 (equivalent weight particulates). In this case, an interstage screen is used to separate the larger organics from the finer s和s. The screen underflow is directed to the dewatering circuit while the organics are either disposed of with plant effluent, collected for use for site restoration or collected for high temperature destruction in the case of contaminated soils.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 personnel have been applying the unique technology of density separation using Hydrosizers™ (aka Teeter Water Classifiers, 密度分离器(简称DMS)已有40多年的历史. Our process engineers have traveled the world installing these units in a wide variety of industries.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全将hydrosizer™与其他内部设备相结合,例如 水力旋流器分隔符™消耗细胞脱水屏幕增稠剂 和 滤波器按,提供完整的湿式加工厂.

我们提供侧面可拆卸的摇晃喷水条, 使维修人员远离油箱, 避免进入封闭空间.  The central manifold limits the length of these pipes to less than half the diameter of the Hydrosizer™.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的经验丰富的员工不会就此结束. We base our computer simulation models on 45-plus years of field results from many applications from around the globe, 但是当我们不确定一个应用程序, 我们在宾夕法尼亚的工厂里有一个测试单元. This test facility allows us not only to look at new applications but also to test unique scenarios in common applications with a continuously operating lab scale unit. 

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 is frequently called to audit competitor’s equipment 和 complete plants due to our reputation for the preeminent knowledge in the industry, 所以为什么不从我们开始呢?



Because larger particles will have a more significant disturbing effect on the teetering bed as they plunge toward the bottom outlet, 另外,排放阀堵塞的可能性更大, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全建议最大尺寸为1/4“(6毫米). 在较大的加氢器™中,可以容忍少量的3/8英寸(10mm). 

Hydrosizers™ approach the efficiencies of screens 和 exhibit the most efficient hydraulic classification; however, 影响误报材料数量的因素有很多. The amount of near-size (particles that are close to the point of separation) is the biggest factor. 例如, 当进行40目(420µm)切割时, 如果50%的进料在30目和50目之间(600微米和300微米), 效率会降低. 此外,切得越细,效率越低. 最终, 由于压裂砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全最终级配的重要性, 预计使用专门筛分机进行干筛是必要的.

一轮Hydrosizers™, by virtue of the overflow weir being equidistant from the feed source 和 with the lack of corners having potential dead zones, 能期望更有效率吗. In the last eight years with frac s和 production being the highest user of this type of equipment, 微小的变化可以转化为ROI的显著收益.

在关闭50%以上之前,夹管阀实际上不会减少流量. 开盘时正负25%, 出风口是一个窄槽, 这可以产生一个阻塞点(通过PID控制器打开阀门来缓解), 所以非线性特性对性能是一种挑战. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设计的镖式阀门具有线性作用, 哪一种能提供更可预测的性能和更长的磨损寿命.

加氢浆纱机™提供严格的分级控制, 分离两种不同比重的矿物,去除轻质污染物.

特性 & 好处
  • The sharpest wet gravity size classification between 100 micron (150 mesh) 和 600 micron (30 mesh) at high efficiency
  • 有效分离不同比重的矿物
  • Side accessible teeter water system allows customers to maintain unit without entering tank
  • 配水用防污喷嘴
  • 有机物去除
  • 低运营成本
  • 投资回报快
  • 专有线性排放下泄阀


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site 和 answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.